Thursday, 20 October 2016

Glioblastoma; An End to The Tragically Hip

Glioblastoma is a highly invasive glioma or malignant tissue within the brain. Glioblastomas (GBM) are tumors that originate from astrocytes-star shaped glial cells of the central nervous system. Glioblastomas are highly malignant, meaning cancerous, due to the rapid reproductive nature of the cells. In fact, glioblastomas are the most common form of malignant brain tumours in adults, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. Unfortunately, the head singer of the band The Tragically Hip, Gord Downie, was diagnosed with glioblastoma in December of 2015.
Generally found in the cerebral hemisphere of the brain, glioblastomas are incurable malignant tumours. Though glioblastomas are generally found within the cerebral hemisphere, there is potential for them to form in other parts of the brain such as the corpus callosum, brainstem or spinal cord. Glioblastomas contains a mixture of cell types, the most common cell being astrocytes. Often these tumors contain: calcium deposits, blood vessels, cystic mineral, or a mixed variety of cells. Glioblastomas are considered malignant due to the exponential rate in which the tumor cells, which are nourished by ample blood supply, reproduce at any given time. Being that glioblastomas originate from healthy brain cells, it is easy for the cancerous cells to invade and live within the healthy brain or spinal tissue. The are two different types of glioblastomas: primary and secondary. Primary glioblastomas, the most common form of glioblastoma, tend to form and make their presence known promptly. Secondary glioblastomas have a longer, somewhat slower growth rate, but are still very aggressive. This type of tumor begins as lower-grade tumor and develops into a higher grade. Secondary glioblastomas are often uncommon, only representing approximately 10% of all glioblastomas.
Since glioblastomas can grow rapidly, most symptoms are caused due to the increased pressure within the brain. Common symptoms can include headache, nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. However, depending of the the location of the tumor, other symptoms can arise such as weakness on one side of the body, memory and/or speech difficulties as well as visual changes. Symptoms produced by a glioblastoma depend immensely on the location of the tumor rather that the pathological properties of it.
Gord Downie was diagnosed with the terminal cancer just nine months ago. In December of 2015, Gord Downie was admitted to the emergency room at the Kingston Hospital after suffering a seizure in the downtown streets of Kingston, Ontario. Doctors performed an MRI to determine the cause of the seizure. The results of the MRI showed a lesion, body tissue that has suffered injury or disease. Downie was immediately taken into the operating room to have a resection surgery performed in hopes of removing most of the tumor. Head of neurology at Sunnybrook Health, Dr. Perry, performed the surgery and was successful in the removal of most of the tumor mass. Following the surgery, Downie underwent six weeks of Monday through Friday radiation combined with an oral chemotherapy drug called temozolomide. Downie’s doctor, Dr. Perry said “the good news is that Mr. Downie has a type of glioblastoma that is known to respond well to treatment. He has a specific genetic marker – positive MGMT methylation status – that can translate into significantly longer survival.” Gord Downie continues to receive chemotherapy regularly and on occasion undergoes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in order to monitor the tumor. Pulmonologist, Dr. Cook compared glioblastoma to an anthill. He explained that the tumor mass itself is visible, similar to the sandy parts of an anthill. However, underground, there are thousands of ants crawling around far from the hill. In other words, a surgical resection can remove most of the tumor mass, but it cannot get rid of the cancerous cells that have spread throughout Downie’s body. Dr. Cook mentioned, “ At some point the benefits of doing surgery to remove additional tissue actually just will render an individual in worse condition. The prognosis for glioblastoma, the most aggressive and common type of brain cancer, is dissatisfactory. The average life expectancy after diagnosis being between 14 to 18 months. In regards to Gord Downie, his doctor- Dr. Perry, was careful to avoid commenting on his estimated life expectancy, as each individual is different and many variable are involved.
Despite the diagnosis, Gord Downie’s singing career will not be put on hold and halted due to his cancer. As Downie’s neuro-oncologist, Dr. Perry knew his patient would endure mental and physical challenges while performing shows during The Tragically Hip’s Canada wide tour. Yet, Dr. Perry admits he never doubted Gord Downie’s conviction, boldness and energy as a performer. Dr. Perry has attended all but one of The Tragically Hip’s Man Machine Poem shows as Gord Downie’s touring physician. However, Dr. Perry has followed the band not as a necessity but as a precaution. Gord Downie, while on tour, stopped receiving upfront treatment including radiation and chemotherapy, however, doctors are monitoring his health very closely. Nevertheless, Gord Downie’s doctors are not the only ones supporting him. The remaining members of The Tragically Hip: Paul, Gord S, Johnny and Rob continue to support Gord Downie in all aspects of life. In a message from the band, they stated, “...he’s endured a lot of difficult times, and he has been fighting hard. In privacy along with his family, and through all of this, we’ve been standing by him.” Gord Downie and his bandmates have been together for the past thirty years, so it comes as no surprise that his bandmates support him and his family through these difficult times. But the support does not stop there. Gord Downie has the support of all Canadians, wishing him sympathy and strength as he endures these difficult moments. While performing at their last concert in Kingston on August 20, 2016, Gord Downie announced to the audience his thanks, “Thank you, people, for keeping me pushing and keeping me pushing.”

Almost nine months ago, Gord Downie, head singer of the Tragically Hip, was diagnosed with glioblastoma. Glioblastoma is a form of aggressive and incurable brain cancer. Downie underwent multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation in hopes to prolong his life.These past nine months have probably been the worst months of Gord Downie’s life. Yet, he continues to perform, continues to enlighten his fans with his touching music, continues to pursue his dreams. Gord Downie not only inspired people through his music, but he inspired people through his perseverance in a difficult time.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Use of Human Embryos for Experimentation: Stem Cell Research

Human embryo experimentation is defined as, “Experimentation on, or using the organs or tissues from, a human or other mammalian conceptus during the prenatal stage of development that is characterized by rapid morphological changes and the differentiation of basic structures. In humans, this includes the period from the time of fertilization to the end of the eighth week after fertilization.”
Currently, in modern science, research is being conducted on human embryos to provide information on stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research is biological research conducted on stem cells derived from embryos and on the stem cells’ use in medicine. Embryonic stem cell research is believed to have great potential to aid in curing and treating disorders and mutations. These include type 1 diabetes mellitus, Parkinson’s disease as well as post-myocardial infraction hearts. However, scientists are now conducting these human embryonic stem cell experiments by growing an embryo within a lab.
Within the scientific field of human embryonic development, there is a rule that states the embryonic development and experimentation cannot exceed fourteen days, scientist must terminate the development of the embryo prior to the limit of fourteen days. Human embryonic stem cell research and embryonic research in general, have raised many ethical dilemmas. Reproductive rights and technologies have been at the forefront of politics and science in recent decades.' The development of contraception, abortion, and-most recently-cloning have challenged the moral and ethical beliefs of many people. Human embryo research has likewise fueled ongoing debate within scientific, ethical, and legal circles. Not only is this ethical dilemma being discussed amongst the biologists, but it is also being discussed amongst medical professionals, media, ethicists, governments, and politicians. Human embryonic stem cell research is providing society with the question to choose between two moral principles: the duty to prevent and alleviate suffering, or the duty to respect and value human life. 
One the one hand, human embryonic stem cells provide science with major clinical potential in tissue repair. The stem cells’ proponents believing that they represent the future relief or cure of a several common disabilities. An early embryo that has not yet implanted into the uterus does not have the psychological, emotional or physical properties that we associate with being a person. It therefore does not have any interests to be protected and we can use it for the benefit of patients. Fertilized human eggs are just parts of other people’s bodies until they have developed enough to survive independently. The only respect due to blastocysts is the respect that should be shown to other people’s property. If we destroy a blastocyst before implantation into the uterus we do not harm it because it has no beliefs, desires, expectations, aims or purposes to be harmed.
However, the other side of the debate argues the unethical aspect of experiment because the stem cells are derived from human preimplantation embryos. To obtain embryonic stem cells, the early embryo has to be destroyed. This means destroying a potential human life. These embryos are created for the sole purpose of experimentation and are exterminated prior to fourteen days. Development from a fertilized egg into to baby is a continuous process and any attempt to pinpoint when personhood begins is arbitrary. A human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage, just as an infant is a human being in the infant stage. Although an embryo does not currently have the characteristics of a person, it will become a person and should be given the respect and dignity of a person. If we judge the moral status of the embryo from its age, then we are making arbitrary decisions about who is human. For example, even if we say formation of the nervous system marks the start of personhood, we still would not say a patient who has lost nerve cells in a stroke has become less human.
For decades, scholars have debated the ethical dilemma of stem cell research. While researching both sides of this moral and scientific debate, I have created an informed decision that if asked my opinion on this subject, it would be as follows: with my thirteen years of education, especially most recently, taking grade eleven biology, I have been educated with the knowledge that from the moment an egg is fertilized, be it in-utero or in-vitro, life begins. Although, I can understand the other side of the debate; stating that stem cell research is necessary for the advancement of medical and scientific research. Based on my beliefs, the moment the egg is fertilized, the process of human life begins. Henceforth, creating a human being and then killing it days later does not seem ethical to me. If we judge the moral status of the embryo from its age, then we are making arbitrary decisions about when life begins. For example, even if we say formation of the nervous system marks the start of personhood, we still would not say a patient who has lost nerve cells in a stroke has become less human.
As I pursue a career in the medical field, I realise my beliefs may be questioned and I may have to put my personal beliefs aside and let my professional beliefs as a future medical worker acknowledge that this research is necessary to potentially treat and cure human medical conditions.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Combating Boil Water Advisories in First Nation Reserves

Drinking water advisories are preventive measures put in place to protect public health from drinking water that could be contaminated. Currently 92 First Nation communities across Canada are suffering from drinking water advisories. "We live in Canada but on reserve it feels like Third World conditions,"
said Nazko Chief Stuart Alec.  
There are water treatment systems available that are vastly more technologically superior to the  systems of the past. Historically water treatment has been done with filtration and chlorination. The problem with that, is that they are generally complex and cost prohibited. Not all reserves are the same size, therefore a one size fits all approach doesn't work. My plan is to use the latest generation technology such as UV and ozonation and combine that with traditional filtration technology to solve water purification needs. This system can be implemented on a either a residential or a community building scale.
However, this project is not just a technological issue, it is an educational issue. Community involvement always works to the advantage. Therefore, my plan is to get the Aboriginal community involved. How? I plan on educating Junior High and High School students within the communities on what it means to have pure water. Not only will I educate youth on what it means to have pure water, but I will educate youth on how to get purified water. I plan on educating our  future generations. However, education alone cannot solve all problems. I will also provide the necessary resources to test and verify water quality with the aid of industry partners, especially lab companies who are willing to provide testing equipment and training. But it does not stop there. My plan also includes teaching youth how to produce clean water using the latest water purification technology. As part of an Aboriginal Youth Employment Opportunity, youth will be employed to test and produce purified water.
This plan provides a technological solution, education, production, as well as employment opportunities for an Aboriginal community. "The life of a person is a circle for childhood to childhood. Within each child lies our future and our past."